Le podcast qui donne la parole aux commerciaux et dirigeants commerciaux.
Un mardi sur deux un.e invité.e nous raconte son parcours et nous explique son business model et sa réalité de la vente “parce qu’on ne vend pas de la même manière en B2B ou en B2C, en fonction de la nature de son offre, de son secteur ou de la maturité de son entreprise”.
Don’t miss out on the enlightening conversations and empowering stories waiting for you. Tune in to our GMKM podcast and let the transformation begin. From discussions on innovative strategies to discussions on overcoming obstacles, our podcast delves into the real experiences and authentic journeys of African women-owned businesses. Tune in to gain valuable insights, practical advice, and a fresh perspective on the possibilities that lie ahead.
The power of storytelling as our guests share their entrepreneurial adventures, shedding light on their unique approaches, strategies, and the impact they’ve made in their industries. Immerse yourself in the uplifting narratives of resilience, ambition, and success, and let their stories inspire you to dream bigger, aim higher, and create a lasting impact.
GMKM: A powerful network of African women in business driving success, empowerment, and thriving together in the Belgian business landscape.
© Copyright. GMKM | Entrepreneur AFrican Women’s Sorority. All rights reserved.